ARCOBAR Author Guidelines


1. ACADEMIC REVIEW OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND RESEARCH (ARCOBAR) is a peer-reviewed journal which is published three times per year. Papers can be written in Turkish or English. Scientific and original articles in Consumer Behavior and Research areas are published in the journal.

2. Articles which are submitted to be evaluated for publication can be written in Turkish or English. Articles which will be published in the journal should be proper with writing and linguistic rules. Scientific and linguistic responsibilities of the articles published in this journal belong to the author(s).

3. All articles should be sent via web site of the journal ( Author(s) should prepare their article proper to publication rules of the journal and ethic rules. Articles which are not proper to rules are not evaluated. Articles published or submitted for publication elsewhere are not evaluated.

4. Articles that are submitted to the journal are presented to the evaluation of two referees by editorial board decision. Articles sent to the journal are published by editorial board decision after the referees’ positive opinion is taken.

5. During the layout process is running, author(s) should reply the messages, which are about controlling and editing article, within the specified period. If author(s) don’t reply the messages within the specified period, their article is postponed to following issue.

6. Articles that completed their evaluation process, are published considering their arrival date.

7. More than one article of one author are not published in same issue.

8. ARCOBAR Journal does not charge any fees for article submission and publication.



1. Length of studies which are sent to be published should not exceed 20 pages including appendix and references section. Papers should be written using “Times New Roman” in MS Word. Studies should be formatted on A4 paper. The margins of paper should be 2,5 cm for all sides. Main headings should be written using 14 nk bold, sub-headings should be written using 12 nk bold, paragraphs should be written using 12 nk normal font. All material should be one and half spaced and paragraph spacing should be 6 nk. The first line of the paragraph should be indented by 1,25 cm.

2. Title of article should be comprehensible and proper with subject of the article.

3. Articles which are sent to be published must involve minimum 1 or maximum 3 JEL (journal of economic literature) classification codes at two digit level. The link below can be used to determine which JEL classification code is proper with subject of the article.

4. Citations in text must be done according to the rules determined by APA (American Psychological Association). Notes should be added into footnotes with a font size of 8 font. In text citations, the author’s last name and the year of publication and page number of the publication for the source must appear in the text. If there is not an author name, institution name must be used instead of author name. For example (Yılmaz, 2008:15), (Öztürk and Akdoğan, 2010:225), (Öncü et al., 2005:10-12), (DPT, 2011:320).

5. Studies must include Turkish and English abstracts which do not exceed 150 words. Up to 3 keywords should be included below the abstract. Abstracts must be written using italic, 10 font size. Line spacing should be single-spaced and paragraphs should be justified both right and left sides.

6. Subsections of the article must be numbered hierarchically (1.,1.1.,…) starting from introduction section.

7. References must be written with a font size of 10 at the end of paper. References section should be placed after the conclusion and listed with alphabetical order according to last name of authors. If an author’s more than one study is referred, the study which has older publication date should be written first. If an author has more than one studies in the same year is referred, alphabetical symbols (i.e. a,b,c..) must be used with the years in references and also in text citations. For example; 2010a, 2010b, 2010c, etc. If any author’s single and more than one author’s studies are referred, the author of the single study must be written first. References must be written based on APA citation rules. (e.g. Last Name, First letter of first name. (Date), Name of Study, Place of publication: Press.)

8. The links below could be visited to get detailed information about APA citation rules.

9. There is no charge for publishing articles in our journal.